The final thrilling episodes of the UK crime drama Broadchurch can be seen on Giallo in Italy tonight. Time is running out for Detectives Alec Hardy and Ellie Miller (David Tennant and Olivia Colman) to find the killer of young Danny Latimer. Do they have the right suspect in custody?
Episodio 7
21.05, Giallo
Hardy sta indagando sulla eccentrica Susan Wright mentre
Nige Carter sembra attendere con ansia la dipartita di Susan dalla città.
Miller sta investigando a fondo sulla capanna in cima al dirupo. Finalmente un
indizio vitale viene allo scoperto.
Episodio 8
21.55, Giallo
Hardy e Miller riescono finalmente a identificare il killer
di Danny Latimer e le circostanze che hanno portato alla sua morte. La famiglia
e la comunità affronta cercano di venire a patti con la dura realtà.
Episode 7
21.05, Giallo
Hardy investigates the strange Susan Wright while Nige
Carter seems eager for Susan to leave the town. Miller thoroughly investigates
the hut on top of the cliff. Finally a vital clue is uncovered.
Episode 8
21:55, Giallo
Hardy and Miller finally identify Danny Latimer’s killer and
the circumstances that led to his death. The family and the community face
trying to come to terms with the shocking truth.
Thanks to for the episode summaries
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