Episode 7 of Broadchurch airs tonight on TV2 in Denmark. As the acclaimed UK series approaches its conclusion, Detectives Alec Hardy (David Tennant) and Ellie Miller (Olivia Colman) come under pressure to catch the killer.
Afsnit 7
20.35, TV2
Det er ved at være sidste udkald, hvis politiet skal opklare
mordet på Danny Latimer, men måske kan fundet af et nyt spor omsider lede
efterforskningen i den rigtige retning. Samtidig tager Dannys forældre, Beth og
Mark, et vigtigt skridt for at komme videre med deres liv.
Episode 7
20:35, TV2
Time is running out for the police to solve the murder of
Danny Latimer, but they may have found a new clue that finally leads the
investigation in the right direction. Meanwhile Danny's parents, Beth and Mark,
take an important step in getting on with their lives.
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