Viewers in Italy will be able to see David Tennant's short drama The Minor Character tonight at 21.45 on Sky Arte HD. The programme was part of the Playhouse Presents series first aired on Sky Arts 1 in the UK in 2012.
Playhouse Presents: L'ultima cena
Venerdì 04/04, 21.45
Sky Arte HD
Un cast di livello internazionale per una serie di piccoli
drama dal sapore contemporaneo, che celebrano il talento sullo schermo e fuori.
David Tennant interpreta Will, uno scrittore cinico che davanti
allo specchio rivive una cena con il suo gruppo di amici. Il ricordo lo porta a
una nuova consapevolezza sul rapporto con la vita stessa.
Playhouse Presents: The Minor Character (literal translation - The Last Supper)
Friday, 04/04, 21:45
Sky Arts HD
An international cast in a series of short contemporary
dramas, celebrating talent on and off screen.
David Tennant plays Will, a writer cynical who, in front of a
mirror, relives a dinner with his group of friends. The recollection leads him
to a new awareness of his relationship with life itself.
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