The gripping UK series Broadchurch comes to its conclusion on Puls 4 in Austria tonight. Finally, detectives Alec hardy and Ellie Miller (David Tennant and Olivia Colman) close in on the killer of young Danny Latimer. However, the murder has torn the small town apart and life for the residents will never be the same again.
Staffel Finale in
Folge 7
20.15, Puls 4
Alec Hardy, der eigentlich wegen seiner Herzrhythmusstörung
im Krankenhaus bleiben soll, entlässt sich selbst, um den Mordfall wieder
aufzunehmen. Seine Kollegin Ellie Miller vernimmt derweil Susan Wright, die
ganz offensichtlich etwas zu verbergen hat. Die Frau, die selbst eine
Familientragödie miterlebt hat, gesteht schließlich, dass sie in der Tatnacht
am Strand war. Sie behauptet sogar den Täter zu kennen ...
Folge 8
21.15, Puls 4
Der Pfarrer Paul hat Alec Hardy Toms Laptop übergeben.
Darauf findet er E-Mails, die belegen, dass Tom und Danny sich kurz vor dem
Mord zerstritten hatten, weil Letzterer einen neuen Freund gefunden hatte. Tom
drohte Danny sogar, ihn zu töten. Derweil hat der vermeintliche Täter Dannys
Handy wieder angeschaltet. Hardy verfolgt das Signal. Wird nun endlich
herauskommen, was in der schicksalshaften Nacht geschah?
Season finale double
Episode 7
20:15, Puls 4
Alec Hardy, who should actually remain in hospital due to
his cardiac arrhythmia, discharges himself to take up the murder investigation
again. Meanwhile, his colleague, Ellie Miller, interrogates Susan Wright, who
obviously has something to hide. The woman who has previously witnessed a
family tragedy, finally admits that she was on the beach on the night of the
crime. She even claims to know the perpetrator...
Episode 8
21.15, Puls 4
Reverend Paul has passed Tom’s laptop to Alec Hardy. On it
he finds emails demonstrating that Tom and Danny had a falling out shortly
before the murder, because the latter had found a new friend. Tom even
threatened even to kill Danny. Meanwhile, the alleged offender has turned
Danny's cell phone on again. Hardy tracks the signal. Will what happened on the
fateful night finally be revealed?
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