Puls 4 in Austria will air the second episode of Broadchurch tonight at 20.15. The drama followsthe devastating impact on a small coastal town of the murder of a boy. David Tennant and Olivia Colman star as the detectives leading the investigation.
Folge 2
Puls 4, 20.15
Alec Hardy und Ellie Miller haben bei der Suche nach Dannys Mörder kaum Anhaltspunkte. Doch ein paar Bewohner offenbaren Geheimnisse: Bei Dannys Schwester Chloe findet die Polizei Drogen, die zu der Hotelinhaberin Becca Fisher führen. Dannys Vater Mark log in Bezug auf sein Alibi. Und Steve Connelly will übersinnlich begabt sein und gibt Hardy und Miller Hinweise. Indes stellt die Reporterin Karen White ihre eigenen Nachforschungen an.
Episode 2
Puls 4, 20.15
Alec Hardy and Eliie Miller have little evidence in the search for Danny's killer. However, a few of the residents reveal their secrets: when the police discover that Danny's sister Chloe has drugs they are led to the hotelier Becca Fisher. Danny's father Mark lies about his alibi. And Steve Connelly claims to be supernaturally gifted and gives hints to Hardy and Miller. Meanwhile the reporter Karen White makes her own enquiries.
Austrian viewers can view a trailer here
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