Vote In The Ultimate Doctor Who Survey

Doctor Who Magazine are currently asking you to vote in The Ultimate Doctor Who Survey. They want you to give your opinion on every adventure that the Doctor has had in the past 50 years.

They say:
 You can download a PDF of the form here, and fill it in electronically. You can then save your replies as a new PDF, and email it to with ‘The First 50 Years’ in the subject line.

Here’s what you need to do. On the form, award a mark out of 10 for each of the Doctor’s 241 TV adventures. Award a ’10′ to any story you feel is the best of the best, going down to ‘1’ for those that you feel don’t make the grade. There are no rules on  how many 10s or 1s you can award – it’s up to you.

With many of the 1960s stories still missing from the BBC’s archive, it’s unlikely that you’ll have seen every single TV adventure, but don’t worry – just give a mark for those you feel able to cast judgement on, leaving the square blank if you feel you can’t. With DVDs, soundtrack recordings and novelisations available, we’ll leave it up to you to decide whether they’re enough for you to form an opinion. When DWM presents the results, the final marks will be expressed as an average score, determined by a proportionate tally, so older stories which may attract fewer voters won’t be unfairly discriminated against.

On the ever-controversial subject of 1986’s The Trial of a Time Lord, we’d like one mark for the entire 14-part serial but feel free to tell us how you rate each of the individual story segments, and we’ll print the findings separately. (But if you do, please also provide a figure for the complete story, as that’s what we’ll use to compile the overall results.)

Find out more on the Doctor Who Magazine website here.
