David Tennant has issued his annual Patron's Message for Headway Essex:
"What a significant year 2012 was for Great Britain, with the Olympic torch relay, the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, Olympic Games and so many great sporting achievements.
Who could forget the outstanding success of the Paralympics and the significant impact it had on British Society.
As we all saw, the Paralympic Games were about ability, not disability, and about what people can do, not what they can't do. This philosophy is at the heart of the services provided by Headway Essex to people with acquired brain injury.
Unfortunately with brain injury the obstacles that people face are not always visually obvious. Many people have to cope with 'hidden disabilities' where physically they may be able to walk, run or swim but cognitively they may be struggling to make sense of things and cope with normal day to day life.
Many never find their way back to the person they were before and they need to figure out who they are now and set new goals for their lives.
Headway Essex are there to support survivors of brain injury and their families and carers at any point along their journey and make a positive difference to their life.
At Headway Essex there are many heroes, who inspire individuals and their families coping with the day to day realities of living with a brain injury. For them, even a simple task could be the equivalent to the effort of a gold medal winning performance in the Olympics because of a brain injury they have suffered, but their achievements are no less significant.
Many thanks to all the staff, volunteers and supporters who give so generously. I hope that like me, you will continue to support Headway Essex. Without them there would be no one to help pick up the pieces of lives shattered through brain injury and to help rebuild them."
Please visit www.headwayessex.org.uk to find out more about Headway Essex and the amazing work that they do.
They have a selection of David Tennant merchandise including hand signed greetings cards available in their shop.
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