The Doctor Who documentary series, The Doctors Revisted, continues on Watch this afternoon at 2pm with a look at the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton.
It will be followed at 2.30pm with the classic Troughton era episode, Tomb Of The Cybermen.
David Tennant will be interviewed as part of this episode.
You can see the schedule for the rest of the series below:
Saturday 19 October
2pm The Doctors Revisited: Jon Pertwee
2:30pm Spearhead from Space
Sunday 20 October
2pm The Doctors Revisited: Tom Baker
2:30pm Pyramids of Mars
Saturday 26 October
2pm The Doctors Revisited: Peter Davison
2:30pm Earthshock
Sunday 27 October
2pm The Doctors Revisited: Colin Baker
2:30pm Vengeance on Varos
Saturday 2 November
2pm The Doctors Revisited: Sylvester McCoy
2:30pm Battlefield
Sunday 3 November
2pm The Doctors Revisited: Paul McGann
2:30pm Doctor Who: The Movie
Saturday 9 November
2pm The Doctors Revisited: Christopher Eccleston
2:30pm Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
Sunday 10 November
2pm The Doctors Revisited: David Tennant
2:30pm The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
Saturday 16 November
2pm The Doctors Revisited: Matt Smith
2:30pm The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
Watch is available on Sky channel 109 (Watch HD 124, Watch+1 155) and Virgin Channel 191 (Watch+1 125)
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