Tenth Doctor's era of Doctor Who will be explored in the next in the season of BBC America specials, The Doctors Revisited. The show dedicated to David Tennant's time in the role will premiere on BBC America on Sunday 27th October.
BBC America say:
celebrates the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant, in a new special of Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited.
Tennant played the part from 2005 to 2010. The special begins with David
Tennant, Freema Agyeman (companion Martha Jones), lead writer and
executive producer Steven Moffat, among others, discussing how and why the
Tenth Doctor has become one of the most popular Doctors of all time. The
special is followed by the Tenth Doctor two-part story The Stolen Earth and Journey’s End, in which Earth’s
greatest heroes assemble, to fight the New Dalek Empire. But a fearsome old
enemy waits in the shadows…
Doctor Who: The
Doctors Revisited – The Tenth Doctor premieres Sunday, October 27, 8:00pm
The programme will air in the UK on Sunday 10th November at 2pm on Watch and will also screen on UKTV in Australia and New Zealand.
With thanks to the BBC America Press Office
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