RUMOUR: David Tennant Linked To Superhero Movie

A new wave of Internet rumours have linked David Tennant's name to the proposed Justice League movie in the role of Plastic Man

The source of the rumour is user Jet Beetle on the Forum who claims to have had the word direct from a couple of Warner Brothers producers currently working on the film. Jet Beetle says:

"A couple of producers I know told me they were involved with the upcoming Justice League movie -- I've known these guys for years and as nice as they are they have never been involved with something as big as JL, so who knows. They did say Warner is basically trying to follow Marvel's lead (no surprise there) and amongst the heavy hitters already expected to be on hand (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman) they want to put in a comic relief character (they seem to believe this is what Ant Man will be - no matter how much I defended the character I had to admit I had no idea how Pym will be handled in this upcoming film). Then when they told me the character Warner was planning to include.... well, I smiled and could totally see it as a good thing. The idea of Plastic Man bouncing all over the place and the fact that the studio is looking at David Tennant to bring him to life -- it was the first time I got excited to see a Justice League movie."

Warner have had a Justice League movie in development for several years now and the film is not likely to reach cinemas before 2017. To date it is not even confirmed which of the DC Comics characters will appear as part of the team. Earlier this year, internet rumours, also said to be from a solid source, linked David to the role of Rocket Raccoon in the Marvel Studios new Guardians Of The Galaxy movie. The role eventually went to Bradley Cooper. Therefore, until Warner actually start to confirm castings, this rumour should, as ever, be approached with caution. 

Source: Superhero Movie News
