GNT screen the gripping climax to the eight-part crime drama Broadchurch tonight. The series starring David Tennant, Olivia Colman and Arthur Darvill follows the investigation into the murder of a boy in a small town. Tonight, time is running out for DI Hardy (David Tennant) to catch the killer.
Watch Broadchurch on GNT tonight at 22.30
Episódio 8: O real assassino de Danny Latimer nunca
esteve tão próximo de ser revelado. Tom é chamado para depor após Alec ter
recuperado o computador que o menino tentou destruir e ter acesso a seus e-mails
com Danny.
alternativos Quinta, 26 de Setembro 17.00
Episode 8: The actual killer of Danny Latimer has never been
as close to being revealed. Tom is called in to testify after Alec recovers the
computer that the boy tried to destroy and accesses his emails to Danny.
Repeated Thursday, September 26th 17:00
out more about Broadchurch on our website - please be aware that some
articles contain spoilers
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