David Tennant narrates the acclaimed documentary series Penguins: Spy In The Huddle which begins on Channel Ten in Australia.
Created by John Downer Productions, the company that brought us Earthflight and Polar Bear: Spy On The Ice this three part documentary series uses 50 different spycams to get to the very heart of flocks of three different species of penguin to observe their life cycles and to discover behaviours that have never before been filmed. Sometimes poignant, sometimes amusing, sometimes thrilling but always fascinating, the stunning footage shows the birds struggling to survive and raise their young in the most extreme conditions. The three species - emperor penguins in Antarctica, rockhopper penguins on the
The first episode of Penguins: Spy In The Huddle - The Journey narrated by David Tennant will air on Channel Ten on Saturday 28th September at 6.30pm
For more information about the show and its creation visit the John Downer Productions website
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