BRAZIL: Episode 4 Of Broadchurch Airs On GNT Tonight

The fourth episode of the thrilling crime series Broadchurch airs on GNT in Brazil tonight. David Tennant and Olivia Colman star as police detectives Alec Hardy and Ellie Miller who are investigating the murder of a child in a small seaside town.

Episódio 4
O jornaleiro Jack Marshall surge como novo suspeito para o assassinato de Danny Latimer, após descobrirem seu histórico de acusação por pedofilia em outra cidade. Beth aceita falar a imprensa sobre seu filho.

Episode 4
Newsagent Jack Marshall emerges as the new suspect in the murder of Danny Latimer, after the discovery of his history of paedophilia charges in another city. Beth agrees to talk to the press about her son.

Watch Broadchurch on GNT tonight at 22.30

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