Doctor Who Showrunner Steven Moffat reveals secrets about the explosive series finale, The Name Of The Doctor, exclusively in Doctor Who Magazine 460.
“We’ve only just finished shooting the actual completed ending – it’s ridiculously secret – but it’s quite a thing, hopefully,” says Steven, about The Name of the Doctor. “There’s often an element of throwing in some lovely names, and then figuring it out later, but I’ve always had a sort of plan for the Doctor and Trenzalore. Things will be resolved. Things I’ve left hanging in plain sight – and sometimes not in plain sight – will be tied up…”
Also this issue:
DWM previews the final three episodes of the latest series – The Crimson Horror, Nightmare in Silver and The Name of the Doctor – and talks exclusively to writers MARK GATISS and NEIL GAIMAN, and returning guest stars NEVE MCINTOSH (Vastra), CATRIN STEWART (Jenny) and DAN STARKEY (Strax).
The Doctor reflects on the many battles he has had throughout his lives, and must travel to the past to save the future of the Earth… Don’t miss the penultimate chapter of our comic strip epic,HUNTERS OF THE BURNING STONE, written by SCOTT GRAY, with art from MARTIN GERAGHTY,DAVID A ROACH and JAMES OFFREDI.
DWM takes a look at the life and career of the late RAYMOND P CUSICK, and pays tribute to the man who designed the Daleks back in 1963.
100, NOT OUT!
Gaffer MARK HUTCHINGS is the only person to have worked on every single episode of Doctor Who since its return to production in 2004. With more than 100 episodes under his belt, Mark shares his memories of working with three Doctors over nine years…
Doctor Who's commander-in-chief STEVEN MOFFAT responds to readers’ queries – and reveals not only how the Statue of Liberty made it to Winter Quay without being seen, but also how what changes he would have made if he’d script-edited the very first episode, An Unearthly Child…
It's 2007 – the Tenth Doctor is joined in the TARDIS by Martha Jones and together they confront the Macra, the Daleks and the Master! DWM’s journey through five decades of Doctor Who continues with Series 29 in COUNTDOWN TO 50!
The Fourth Doctor and Leela find themselves on a remote island defending a lighthouse from attack by an alien Rutan in HORROR OF FANG ROCK. THE FACT OF FICTION takes a long, hard look at the four-part adventure from 1977, and reveals a wealth of fascinating new facts about the story.
THE TIME TEAM travel across the Pond to 1930s America where Chris, Emma, Michael and Will discover that the Daleks are responsible for the construction of the Empire State Building in the two-part adventure, Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks.
Writer, passionate fan and mother of twins JACQUELINE RAYNER reveals that when it comes to choosing favourite moments and episodes, everyone in her family has their own personal choices in her latest candid column, RELATIVE DIMENSIONS.
The Watcher reveals how Margaret Thatcher had a lasting influence on Doctor Who in A History of Doctor Who in 100 Objects; challenges readers with The Six Faces of Delusion, champions another Supporting Artist of the Month and provides deliciously culinary theme to Ristorante Italiano Top Ten. All this and more in this issue’s WOTCHA!
PLUS! All the latest official news, TV and merchandise reviews, previews, competitions, a prize-winning crossword and much, much more!
Doctor Who Magazine Issue #460 is out Thursday 2nd May 2013, priced £4.75.
Source: Dr Who Online
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