David Tennant And Mike Fenton Stevens Launch Comic Relief: The Red Nose Bow

David Tennant and Michael Fenton Stevens have called upon the support of their fellow actors  performers and theatre folk to support them to raise funds for Red Nose Day 2013. 


David Tennant and Mike Fenton Stevens are calling All Performers, Touring Theatre Companies, Theatre Producers and Theatres.

Are you, or someone you know, performing in the week of Red Nose Day, March 15th 2013? Or are you a theatre or producer with a performance playing this week? 

David Tennant & Mike Fenton Stevens have a proposal for you.

We are asking all the performances in all the theatres in the land to collect money for Comic Relief after the performances that week. 

Last Red Nose Day Mike did this while on tour and made nearly £10, 000 in one week! He spoke to the audience after the play, the cast put on red noses and collected money in buckets after each show. It took just 10 minutes after each of the performances and raised loads of money. If we could get most theatres and performers to do this, we could raise hundreds of thousands of pounds for Comic Relief to go towards good causes at home and in Africa.

If you would like to join in, all you need to do is get yourselves some buckets, download and print the bucket label and a paying in form and away you go. Or we can the email pdfs to you. 

We will mention you on twitter and add your name to the News page. Please let us know how you get on either via twitter, or by emailing us and take The Red Nose Bow!

With love and huge theatrical kisses,

David Tennant and Mike Fenton Stevens. 

Right click to download the logo to stick on your buckets here and a form for paying in your cash here. 

For more info on fundraising dos and don’ts, please click here www.rednoseday.com/legal/fundraising-dos-and-donts

Red Nose Day 2013 takes place on Friday 15th March with the live TV marathon starting at 7pm on BBC One

Click here for the Red Nose Bow website or follow them on Twitter @RedNoseBow

Keep up to date with all the latest Red Nose Day news and donate here
