David Tennant Features On The Doctors Revisited: The Second Doctor Coming To BBC America February 24 at 8/7c
David Tennant can be seen contributing his thoughts on Patrick Troughton's Second Doctor on the BBC America series, The Doctors Revisted on 24th February 8/7c
BBC America say:
The Doctors Revisited: The Second Doctor
The Second Doctor brought a new energy to the series. With his impish charm and boundless enthusiasm, the show began to evolve and change. Join ‘The Doctors Revisited’ as we take a look at this new approach to the character, meet his fearless Scottish highlander companion Jamie McCrimmon and take a close look at one of the most iconic of his foes, the emotionless Cybermen!
Contributors: David Tennant, Neil Gaiman, John Barrowman, Steven Moffat, Caro Skinner, Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury.
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