On Wednesday (9th January) the first 90 minute episode of Spies Of Warsaw aired in the UK on BBC Four.
It then aired on TV in Poland on Friday (11th January), although in a slightly different 45 minute format, which was dubbed in to Polish.
About the episode:
It is 1937, and Colonel Jean-Francois Mercier, a highly decorated soldier from the First World War, is the military attaché stationed in Warsaw, Poland while the shadow of Hitler’s Nazi regime looms over mainland Europe.
Mercier is grossly suspicious of the German military’s intentions, but he must juggle his formal duties at stifling diplomatic functions with the often death-defying realities of espionage.
With intelligence from his German informant Edvard Uhl, Mercier sets out on a stealth mission with his trusted accomplice Marek, where they discover that the Nazis are ensuring any future invasion of Poland can take place effectively and with little resistance. Mercier almost gets caught and killed during the mission, narrowly escaping, and thereby facing the wrath of French bureaucrat Jourdain, who is anxious to avoid the further heightening of diplomatic tension.
Amid the threat of a second world war, Mercier is also vying for the affections of Parisian lawyer Anna Skarbek, currently in an empty-shell relationship with Russian Émigré and political journalist Maxim. As Mercier and Anna’s relationship develops, it is clear that she must choose between both men. But will Mercier’s feelings for Anna jeopardise his mission and can she be trusted?
We asked fans on our Twitter and Facebook pages what the thought of the drama, thanks to all of you who replied!
Here's a selection of the fans responses from Twitter:
@ZoeBrown: Gripping plot, fantastic attention to detail - once again, David completely inhabits his role - simply outstanding! :)
@xxdtcrazyxx: wow that was amazing. David was absolutely breathtaking in this new character portrayal. Roll on next week xx
@macca4music41: thought David was Brilliant in Spies of Warsaw. Looking 4ward 2 nxt episode.
@Karenmcten: I have seen David totally become each character with every new role, and still, every time, I see something new shine through from his unique ability
The Polish fans who follow us on Twitter also enjoyed it, although they were left disappointed by the dubbing:
@agnniee: it was nice :) cooperation TVP & BBC & David Tennant is a good idea :) but...dubbing was awful :/
@Alex_25_23_21: I didn't watch it in our tv, cause I hate dubbing, so I watched online BBC version and I love it :) It's great to see David in familiar places :D But my mum tonight watched SOW on TVP and she really liked it :)
@broken_broccolli: Fantastic! But I deplore the fact that has been dubbed
@Lefthandedevil For now i can tell you that i'm incredibly proud of cooperation TVP & BBC, and David Tennant :D
Over on Facebook we asked fans what they thought too:
Vanella Mead I thought it was excellent
Liz Phillips BRILLIANT
Mary Dismal I really like it! But in polish David was dubbed :< What a pity.
Caroline Beeston Hallett WONDERFUL cannot wait for the next shame its only two part he is one of our great actors x x
Johan Chalmers It was great. Lots of interconnecting stories. Can't wait for the next episode.
Dawn Foster Loved it, David was the perfect spy, disappointed have to wait a whole week for the next part !!
Carolyn Walker loved it! Can't wait for the second part!!
Shaman Stocker AMAZING...can't wait for the next one
Steph Axolotl Langley It was amazing I love it and I was gutted when the epasode finshed I want to see more xxx
PetYo Stefanov David is good as spy and doctor.
David Lee great and fantastic! you should see this one
Naryeth Unzajebable Polish David was dubbed , but episode was great! I really happy becouse David is my favourite actor,and "he's wonderful"
Kamila Ryba Not bad, not bad;) But dubbing is a disaster. David speaks Polish? grrr But when I saw David and Marcin Dorociński together it was amazing. I can not wait for the next episode!
Mario Bahun it s just wonderful great
Linda E Werner It was absolutely brilliant and beautiful with a fantastic cast! I cannot wait till the next episode!
Emma Tanner Wasn't expecting much when I tuned in but thoroughly enjoyed it! I'll be watching it again next week.
Aileen Stewart Very intense, not really a programme to be enjoyed in the entertainment sense but as a well-written, well-acted piece of drama.
Aleksandra Olesińska We will see what bring us episode 2...Polish dubbing is awful!
Marie Simone Fursey excellent drama x
Michelle Gregor It was amazing drama David was perfection! I dont normally watch these sort of dramas but this was so engaging and well written cant wait for part 2
Anne Warby I thoroughly ENJOYED this wonderful drama.. Can't wait until the next instalment!
Thanks to all of you who were kind enough to let us know what you thought of the first episode of Spies Of Warsaw, you can join in the debate and leave your thoughts on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
I watched. David is great actor.