Broadchurch's Arthur Darvill Talks To Digital Spy

Doctor Who actor Arthur Darvill is starring alongside David Tennant in the new ITV1 drama Broadchurch and has been chatting to Digital Spy about it and working with David in an exclusive interview:

Your next project is ITV's Broadchurch...
"Yeah, I'm in the middle of filming that one at the moment. I'm off to Bristol during the days, I've been filming some already. It's been going really really well but I'm not allowed to talk about it at all."

Are you allowed to say if you're working directly with David Tennant?
"Yeah, yes I am. He's great. It's just a really, really good script."

You can read the rest of Arthur's interview here.
And tune in to The Paradise at 9pm 23rd October on BBC One to see Arthur in action.
