Hosted by David Tennant, and featuring the pick of Britain's finest comedy talent, Comedy World Cup is a new seven-part panel show in which Tennant referees two teams of comedians as they compete against each other in a hilarious knockout competition. In each episode the teams, whose careers and comedy know-how span a total of 100 years, pit their wits against each other in a series of rounds to find out which team are the biggest comedy brainboxes and fountains of funny knowledge. Each team is made up of three comedians - a team captain in their 30s/40s, an over-50 comedy legend, and a comedy newbie in their 20s/30s.
In episode three, captain Johnny Vegas and team mates Josh Widdicombe and Mick Miller take on Phill Jupitus who is joined by Roisin Conaty and Barry Cryer.
At the end of the series the final two teams will go head-to-head, with one team crowned ultimate champions and winners of the Comedy World Cup 2012.
Tune in to Channel 4 at 8.00pm tonight!
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