Twenty Twelve, narrated by David Tennant, returns to BBC Two

Twenty Twelve the spoof documentary about the London 2012 Olympics returns to BBC Two on Monday 9th July at 10.00pm.

The BBC Media Centre says:
As the Olympic Games draw ever closer, series two of the award-winning series returns with a final run of three episodes.
Episode 5: Catastrophisation opens with 32 days to go until the Olympic Games. As the team wrestle with demands for increased security levels, Head of Deliverance Ian Fletcher chairs the final ever meeting of the Security Committee’s Special Catastrophisation Unit - where it emerges that someone has been caught converting official Olympic starting pistols to fire live rounds.
With the US Security Forward Team about to arrive to review security arrangements for the Games, the challenge is to find a way of handling this piece of news in a way that doesn’t involve shooting themselves in the foot.
Meanwhile Kay Hope continues her one woman quest to find a sustainable use for the stadium post-Games, and Siobhan Sharpe and her team at Perfect Curve take on the task of re-branding the Games’ Travel Advice Pack in such a way that no-one will ever have to read it.
Written and directed by John Morton (People Like Us) and narrated by David Tennant, Twenty Twelve sees the return of all the regular cast including Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey), Jessica Hynes (Spaced), Amelia Bullmore (Ashes to Ashes), Karl Theobald (Green Wing), Vincent Franklin (The Thick Of It), Samuel Barnett (Beautiful People) and Morven Christie (Monday Monday). Together they form the Olympic Deliverance team, now running harder than ever in order to keep standing still in the race towards the London 2012 Olympics.
