The ongoing saga of the dispute between the BBC and Virgin Media over the unauthorised display of the Doctor Who logo and other BBC programmes on a recent advert has drawn to a close. Virgin have agreed to pull the advert, starring David Tennant and Sir Richard Branson, from TV and YouTube in a gesture of goodwill.
In the advert to promote Virgin's new Collections bundles and their TiVo service David is seen browsing through his own back catalogue. The original version featured the current Doctor Who logo quite prominently and also highlighted some of David's other work with the BBC, such as Casanova. It was thought that the problem had already been resolved when Virgin Media removed the Doctor Who logo last week. However, the BBC maintain that the advert still breaks their guidelines by giving the impression that the BBC are endorsing a third party service.
In a joint statement, the brands said: ‘Virgin Media has listened to concerns raised by BBC Worldwide about perceived commercial endorsement by a BBC brand relating to the recent Virgin Media ad… As a gesture of goodwill, Virgin Media has agreed to withdraw the ad and BBC Worldwide is satisfied that the issue has been addressed.’
The other two adverts from the campaign created by Bartle Bogle Hegarty can still be seen online and on TV.
Find out more about Virgin Media Collections here
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