And you can expect it to be the usual fun filled affair!
David called the show this morning listen below:
Christian has been on twitter asking for your ideas for some 5 second movies they're going to make with him! This is your chance to direct DT! You can send them in to the show at www.absoluteradio.co.uk/breakfast
PLUS you can request a concierge service from David
at http://www.absoluteradio.co.uk/onair/david-tennant/concierge/index.html where he will call you and remind you of any jobs that need doing tomorrow!
Maybe you'd like to leave David a voicemail message? They've got that sorted too at http://www.absoluteradio.co.uk/onair/david-tennant/audioboo/index.html
The show will of course be recorded on the studios webcam and you can watch it all live as it happens at http://www.absoluteradio.co.uk/onair/david-tennant/index.html
Listen live online at: http://www.absoluteradio.co.uk/
or on DAB Radio or if you are in London and the South East on 105.8FM
or via your TV on Sky Channel 0107, Virgin Channel 915 and Freeview Channel 915
Follow Christian and the show on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ocradio http://twitter.com/OCBreakfastShow
And keep up to date with the show's latest videos and pics on www.facebook.com/christianoconnell
And don't forget that you can chat with David's fans as the show happens over on Twitter with the hashtag #zingzangzulu
You might like to follow us at www.twitter.com/davidtennantcom too!
And of course we'll be having a discussion over on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/davidtennantcom too!